At the end of World War II, the Japanese capital Tokyo was bombed for several days, and a large number of dead ghosts revived the destructive demon of Tokyo, Kato. The guiding figure of the Japanese power world, Ami Guanghuang, wanted to use her spiritual power to rescue Japan from near failure. However, when she cast her magic, Kato suddenly appeared and her plan fell through. Young men and women with spiritual power, including Nakamura and Yukiko
At the end of World War II, the Japanese capital Tokyo was bombed for several days, and a large number of dead ghosts revived the destructive demon of Tokyo, Kato. The guiding figure of the Japanese power world, Ami Guanghuang, wanted to use her spiritual power to rescue Japan from near failure. However, when she cast her magic, Kato suddenly appeared and her plan fell through. Young men and women with spiritual power, including Nakamura and Yukiko