This drama tells the story of a young president who is both talented and beautiful - Aso Taozi. He has a sister named Jiuhui, who has a completely opposite personality to himself. After a breakup, her sister stays in Taozi's house and stays indoors. Tao Zi treated Jiuhui as a tool and casually manipulated her, but Jiuhui was happy to be able to help her sister. The two of them built such a wonderful relationship together
This drama tells the story of a young president who is both talented and beautiful - Aso Taozi. He has a sister named Jiuhui, who has a completely opposite personality to himself. After a breakup, her sister stays in Taozi's house and stays indoors. Tao Zi treated Jiuhui as a tool and casually manipulated her, but Jiuhui was happy to be able to help her sister. The two of them built such a wonderful relationship together