This drama tells the story of an ordinary scholar named Jun Wujiu who, with the help of a collective team, fully utilizes his talents to solve many mysteries after becoming a recommended official. The protagonist Jun Wujiu, who is skilled in reasoning, Su Wenyue, who is highly skilled in martial arts, and the resourceful Cheng Yang form a crime solving team. The three of them have distinct personalities, but share the same belief in upholding justice. Having worked together before
This drama tells the story of an ordinary scholar named Jun Wujiu who, with the help of a collective team, fully utilizes his talents to solve many mysteries after becoming a recommended official. The protagonist Jun Wujiu, who is skilled in reasoning, Su Wenyue, who is highly skilled in martial arts, and the resourceful Cheng Yang form a crime solving team. The three of them have distinct personalities, but share the same belief in upholding justice. Having worked together before