In 1943, the Japanese army conspired to launch a surprise attack on Shanxi. Upon learning of the intelligence, three members of the enemy's rear armed forces, Li Tianhu (played by Lu Nuo), Su Mei (played by Pan Yang), and Shi Le (played by Li Dahai), took orders to go to the Boji Temple where Japanese spies were lurking, in an attempt to persuade the local Nationalist Army to join forces to resist Japan. During this period, the three individuals were repeatedly subjected to unknown forces“
In 1943, the Japanese army conspired to launch a surprise attack on Shanxi. Upon learning of the intelligence, three members of the enemy's rear armed forces, Li Tianhu (played by Lu Nuo), Su Mei (played by Pan Yang), and Shi Le (played by Li Dahai), took orders to go to the Boji Temple where Japanese spies were lurking, in an attempt to persuade the local Nationalist Army to join forces to resist Japan. During this period, the three individuals were repeatedly subjected to unknown forces“