Adapted from the manga work of the same name by Yamashita Bungo, set against the backdrop of the Xidun Academy where humans and animals coexist, it tells the story of a young human with the lowest number of races in the Xidun Academy, who secretly falls in love with the same human little pupil. However, by chance, they are entangled by the wolf Lanhua from Hokkaido, leading to an animal romance
Adapted from the manga work of the same name by Yamashita Bungo, set against the backdrop of the Xidun Academy where humans and animals coexist, it tells the story of a young human with the lowest number of races in the Xidun Academy, who secretly falls in love with the same human little pupil. However, by chance, they are entangled by the wolf Lanhua from Hokkaido, leading to an animal romance