Nagai Ryūyuki, Kishi Seiji, Asai Yoshiyuki, Ejima Yasunio, Satohara Takeji
Total of 13 Episode
In a highly acclaimed serialized article titled "Yong Wu", the author of Kodansha's personal aspirations, which were serialized for about ten years from 1994 to the present, has been writing for a long time. We are looking forward to the standardization of the system!! Beppu Yong Wu is one of the most successful negotiators in the world
In a highly acclaimed serialized article titled "Yong Wu", the author of Kodansha's personal aspirations, which were serialized for about ten years from 1994 to the present, has been writing for a long time. We are looking forward to the standardization of the system!! Beppu Yong Wu is one of the most successful negotiators in the world