Due to the closure of the Polo High School where they are located, at the beginning of the new semester, Kozuki Shimajima (voiced by Natsuki Hanagawa) and childhood sweethearts, Aika Inoue (voiced by Kazuka Hanazawa), as well as friends Biyohei Qiansaki (voiced by Aiyi Maono) and Izuki Yoshitaka (voiced by Ryota Funaka), transferred to Meibin High School located on land to continue their studies. before
Due to the closure of the Polo High School where they are located, at the beginning of the new semester, Kozuki Shimajima (voiced by Natsuki Hanagawa) and childhood sweethearts, Aika Inoue (voiced by Kazuka Hanazawa), as well as friends Biyohei Qiansaki (voiced by Aiyi Maono) and Izuki Yoshitaka (voiced by Ryota Funaka), transferred to Meibin High School located on land to continue their studies. before