At the age of 21, Tou (played by Junichi Okada) falls in love with his mother's friend and married woman Shishi (played by Kuroki Tong), who is twenty years older than him. They fall in love at first sight and begin an underground romance. Tou's good friend Genji (played by Rune Matsumoto) also has an illicit relationship with the housewife Kimiko (played by Nino Terajima), but their emotions are very complex and difficult to understand
At the age of 21, Tou (played by Junichi Okada) falls in love with his mother's friend and married woman Shishi (played by Kuroki Tong), who is twenty years older than him. They fall in love at first sight and begin an underground romance. Tou's good friend Genji (played by Rune Matsumoto) also has an illicit relationship with the housewife Kimiko (played by Nino Terajima), but their emotions are very complex and difficult to understand