32 year old professional woman Akiko Iwaki (played by Ayase) is married to office worker Ryoichi Miyamoto (played by Naofu Takeno), who also has an 8-year-old daughter. Due to Yahiko Iwaki's lack of habit in household chores and parenting, as well as her lack of experience in taking care of children, she made many jokes at the beginning. But this stepmother and daughter
32 year old professional woman Akiko Iwaki (played by Ayase) is married to office worker Ryoichi Miyamoto (played by Naofu Takeno), who also has an 8-year-old daughter. Due to Yahiko Iwaki's lack of habit in household chores and parenting, as well as her lack of experience in taking care of children, she made many jokes at the beginning. But this stepmother and daughter