The story takes place in the late Qing Dynasty, when the master ghost hunter Zhang Ke (played by Chu Yuan) takes his disciples Zhang Beiping (played by Qian Xiaohao) and Zhang Nanjing (played by Li Yaoxiang) to Hong Kong. Due to their livelihood, Beiping and Nanjing become police officers. Frequent zombies are causing harm to the human world, and Zhang Beiping requests his master Zhang to return to the martial arts world to eliminate harm for the people,
The story takes place in the late Qing Dynasty, when the master ghost hunter Zhang Ke (played by Chu Yuan) takes his disciples Zhang Beiping (played by Qian Xiaohao) and Zhang Nanjing (played by Li Yaoxiang) to Hong Kong. Due to their livelihood, Beiping and Nanjing become police officers. Frequent zombies are causing harm to the human world, and Zhang Beiping requests his master Zhang to return to the martial arts world to eliminate harm for the people,