Australian Chinese Lu Jie is a rebellious young man with an average demeanor. His adoptive father, Jason, has a bad temper and a habit of drinking. He firmly does not allow Lu Jie to touch a car without explaining the reason. One day, in order to help his bad friend Zhou Yangyang, Lu Jie accidentally got into trouble with the local motorcycle party and was forced to participate in an underground race, but he shone brightly in the race.
Australian Chinese Lu Jie is a rebellious young man with an average demeanor. His adoptive father, Jason, has a bad temper and a habit of drinking. He firmly does not allow Lu Jie to touch a car without explaining the reason. One day, in order to help his bad friend Zhou Yangyang, Lu Jie accidentally got into trouble with the local motorcycle party and was forced to participate in an underground race, but he shone brightly in the race.