The Korean drama "In a Thousand Year Love" is a romantic and fantasy TV series co produced by YG and OnStyle, starring Jiang Shengrun, Jin Qinyu, Huang Shengyan, Jin Xiting, and Zhang Jiyong. The Korean drama "In a Thousand Year Love" tells the story of the immortal and eternal 1000 year old female protagonist Meizu, who faces difficulties in appearing by her side
The Korean drama "In a Thousand Year Love" is a romantic and fantasy TV series co produced by YG and OnStyle, starring Jiang Shengrun, Jin Qinyu, Huang Shengyan, Jin Xiting, and Zhang Jiyong. The Korean drama "In a Thousand Year Love" tells the story of the immortal and eternal 1000 year old female protagonist Meizu, who faces difficulties in appearing by her side