In the TV series "The Great Leader", the story revolves around the Yang family, the "New Year Painting Big Family" of Yangjiabu, vying for the position of leader. It tells the story of the folk artists and patriots of Yangjiabu before and after the "July 7th Incident", who, in order to preserve the artistic treasures passed down from their ancestors, fought against the Japanese invaders with wits and courage, and fought to the death. At the same time, it also reveals the story for the first time
In the TV series "The Great Leader", the story revolves around the Yang family, the "New Year Painting Big Family" of Yangjiabu, vying for the position of leader. It tells the story of the folk artists and patriots of Yangjiabu before and after the "July 7th Incident", who, in order to preserve the artistic treasures passed down from their ancestors, fought against the Japanese invaders with wits and courage, and fought to the death. At the same time, it also reveals the story for the first time