During the most difficult period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, ordinary farmer Wu Yingde (played by He Zhengjun) narrowly escaped from the Japanese invaders' live experiments and thus joined the Eighth Route Army. In an operation, Wu used a homemade monster gun to shoot and kill the enemy leader. His gun making ability and courage earned him Ren Rujian (Zhang Guangbei), the director of the Eighth Route Army's Armory Repair Plant
During the most difficult period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, ordinary farmer Wu Yingde (played by He Zhengjun) narrowly escaped from the Japanese invaders' live experiments and thus joined the Eighth Route Army. In an operation, Wu used a homemade monster gun to shoot and kill the enemy leader. His gun making ability and courage earned him Ren Rujian (Zhang Guangbei), the director of the Eighth Route Army's Armory Repair Plant