The story is set against the backdrop of the business world in the 1930s in Shanghai and tells the tumultuous and bizarre life experiences of Zhang Tianyun, the fourth generation descendant of the Red Gang. Surrounded by the time-honored clothing brand "Tongyichang", the two generations of leaders engaged in thrilling business battles with Shanghai's black forces, big capitalists, and Japanese tycoons. In the drama, Zhang Tianyun and Wang
The story is set against the backdrop of the business world in the 1930s in Shanghai and tells the tumultuous and bizarre life experiences of Zhang Tianyun, the fourth generation descendant of the Red Gang. Surrounded by the time-honored clothing brand "Tongyichang", the two generations of leaders engaged in thrilling business battles with Shanghai's black forces, big capitalists, and Japanese tycoons. In the drama, Zhang Tianyun and Wang