The story takes place during the Liberation War. Changshan (played by Liu Xiaohao), the Minister of Organization of a certain county in Shandong, was ordered by the county committee to lead cadres such as Meng Siyuan (played by Du Chun), Wang Sancheng (played by Yin Xiaotian), and Lou Zhen (played by Li Shuai) to the Huaihai battlefield. After the battle, Tang Zhixian (played by Liu Zhibing), the secretary of the local party committee, passed on
The story takes place during the Liberation War. Changshan (played by Liu Xiaohao), the Minister of Organization of a certain county in Shandong, was ordered by the county committee to lead cadres such as Meng Siyuan (played by Du Chun), Wang Sancheng (played by Yin Xiaotian), and Lou Zhen (played by Li Shuai) to the Huaihai battlefield. After the battle, Tang Zhixian (played by Liu Zhibing), the secretary of the local party committee, passed on