Wang Nanyue (played by Chai Ge) and Tan Beixing (played by Meng Rui), who separated from their parents since childhood, reunited on the university campus. The two of them were arranged to live in the same dormitory by chance, together with the well-known manga artist Wan Ji (played by Bai Xi) and the wealthy and handsome fan Su Shaochen (played by Jin Junxiu)
Wang Nanyue (played by Chai Ge) and Tan Beixing (played by Meng Rui), who separated from their parents since childhood, reunited on the university campus. The two of them were arranged to live in the same dormitory by chance, together with the well-known manga artist Wan Ji (played by Bai Xi) and the wealthy and handsome fan Su Shaochen (played by Jin Junxiu)