At the end of spring vacation, the funny stories of the three sisters of the South family continued to be staged in the chilly season. Sister Haruka (voiced by Rina Sato), who radiates the radiance of the Virgin Mary, continues to take care of the family's daily life, although she occasionally experiences outbreaks of laziness; The biggest laughing fruit, Shana (voiced by Inoue Marina), is soaring on the road of foolishness and cuteness, competing with
At the end of spring vacation, the funny stories of the three sisters of the South family continued to be staged in the chilly season. Sister Haruka (voiced by Rina Sato), who radiates the radiance of the Virgin Mary, continues to take care of the family's daily life, although she occasionally experiences outbreaks of laziness; The biggest laughing fruit, Shana (voiced by Inoue Marina), is soaring on the road of foolishness and cuteness, competing with