"Encountering His Royal Highness" is a joint production by Penguin Pictures and Laike Media, starring Guo Junchen, Sun Yining, and others. The plot of "Encountering the Cold Prince" mainly tells the story of the cold faced singer Situ Feng, who was originally a aloof person and was indifferent to everything. However, he did not expect to meet the ghost horse elf Chen Qingqing at school
"Encountering His Royal Highness" is a joint production by Penguin Pictures and Laike Media, starring Guo Junchen, Sun Yining, and others. The plot of "Encountering the Cold Prince" mainly tells the story of the cold faced singer Situ Feng, who was originally a aloof person and was indifferent to everything. However, he did not expect to meet the ghost horse elf Chen Qingqing at school