The drama is based on web dramas and incorporates idol elements. It tells the story of a popular member of the girl group, Duoduo, who returns to St. Peter's College and becomes an ordinary high school girl. Together with her classmate and good friend, the head of "Liushidao" - the notorious violent girl Zhao Xiaoye and the intelligent superhero Wang Lu, the second otaku in the school, Qingmei Zhuma, form a group
The drama is based on web dramas and incorporates idol elements. It tells the story of a popular member of the girl group, Duoduo, who returns to St. Peter's College and becomes an ordinary high school girl. Together with her classmate and good friend, the head of "Liushidao" - the notorious violent girl Zhao Xiaoye and the intelligent superhero Wang Lu, the second otaku in the school, Qingmei Zhuma, form a group