The story revolves around a college student named Haruhiko Kuzuka (played by Kentai Inozuka) and a functional novelist named Riso Kishima (played by Kazuke Takeshi). Due to an accident, Haruhiko Hisamura accidentally broke a bone while riding his bike, which left him with no other choice but to suggest that Toshio Kishima orally write a novel. The entanglement between the two of them
The story revolves around a college student named Haruhiko Kuzuka (played by Kentai Inozuka) and a functional novelist named Riso Kishima (played by Kazuke Takeshi). Due to an accident, Haruhiko Hisamura accidentally broke a bone while riding his bike, which left him with no other choice but to suggest that Toshio Kishima orally write a novel. The entanglement between the two of them