Panghu (voiced by Akira Kimura) and Kofu (voiced by Shigeichi Sekigawa) flaunt their robot toys, which angers and envies Oho (voiced by Ohara Yoshitaka). He pleads with Doraemon (voiced by Mizuda Yoshitaka) to help him, but Doraemon becomes restless and runs to the North Pole. Da Xiong then entered the Arctic, only to find that
Panghu (voiced by Akira Kimura) and Kofu (voiced by Shigeichi Sekigawa) flaunt their robot toys, which angers and envies Oho (voiced by Ohara Yoshitaka). He pleads with Doraemon (voiced by Mizuda Yoshitaka) to help him, but Doraemon becomes restless and runs to the North Pole. Da Xiong then entered the Arctic, only to find that