Zhong Bang (played by Zhong Jinghui), known as the gang leader, founded an honest real estate agency in the 1960s. Now, at the age of sixty, he has already retired, and honest real estate has been handed over to his son Zhong Zhiliang (played by Wu Qihua). Zhong Zhiliang is very capable and manages honest real estate with great brilliance. But he, who is still young and not confused
Zhong Bang (played by Zhong Jinghui), known as the gang leader, founded an honest real estate agency in the 1960s. Now, at the age of sixty, he has already retired, and honest real estate has been handed over to his son Zhong Zhiliang (played by Wu Qihua). Zhong Zhiliang is very capable and manages honest real estate with great brilliance. But he, who is still young and not confused