Lian Haolong (played by Hong Jinbao), the leader of the "Loyal, Faithful, and Righteous" gang, Lao Laizi, hosted a grand full moon banquet to entertain the gang members. Although the child was born to his newly adopted concubine (played by Zhang Wenci), the appearance of Lian Haolong's wife Soso (played by Tian Niu) still exudes a sister-in-law style. However, due to the large number of people at the banquet, it caused
Lian Haolong (played by Hong Jinbao), the leader of the "Loyal, Faithful, and Righteous" gang, Lao Laizi, hosted a grand full moon banquet to entertain the gang members. Although the child was born to his newly adopted concubine (played by Zhang Wenci), the appearance of Lian Haolong's wife Soso (played by Tian Niu) still exudes a sister-in-law style. However, due to the large number of people at the banquet, it caused