Under the protection of Hattori Takei (played by Keiko Kitagawa), the class teacher of Poison Tongue, Katsuko Kudo (played by Makoto Kimura), who has been burdened with a heavy burden for many years, finally emerged from her shadow and showed a smile she had never seen before. After a difficult academic year, Jieyizi and her classmates advanced to sixth grade together. Who knew it was right there
Under the protection of Hattori Takei (played by Keiko Kitagawa), the class teacher of Poison Tongue, Katsuko Kudo (played by Makoto Kimura), who has been burdened with a heavy burden for many years, finally emerged from her shadow and showed a smile she had never seen before. After a difficult academic year, Jieyizi and her classmates advanced to sixth grade together. Who knew it was right there