In a small theater with few doors, five young people who were not yet 20 years old, including Feng Jiansa (voiced by Ryuta Fukuzaka), Ganmu Shengma (voiced by Tetsuya Kajihara), Zubo Xixing (voiced by Daiki Yamashita), Fujii Dashu (voiced by Shota Aoi), and Wu Shanchun (voiced by Kenzhang Ono), were appointed as envoys to the river by the person in charge
In a small theater with few doors, five young people who were not yet 20 years old, including Feng Jiansa (voiced by Ryuta Fukuzaka), Ganmu Shengma (voiced by Tetsuya Kajihara), Zubo Xixing (voiced by Daiki Yamashita), Fujii Dashu (voiced by Shota Aoi), and Wu Shanchun (voiced by Kenzhang Ono), were appointed as envoys to the river by the person in charge