The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (played by Zhang Tielin). Hong Li (played by Zhang Guoli), a quack doctor, became a substitute for the emperor due to his striking resemblance to Qianlong's appearance. He also healed the heartache of the Empress Dowager (played by Yan Minqiu) for many years, and the Empress Dowager and Qianlong admired him very much, allowing him to disguise himself as the emperor for a private visit to the south. Due to
The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (played by Zhang Tielin). Hong Li (played by Zhang Guoli), a quack doctor, became a substitute for the emperor due to his striking resemblance to Qianlong's appearance. He also healed the heartache of the Empress Dowager (played by Yan Minqiu) for many years, and the Empress Dowager and Qianlong admired him very much, allowing him to disguise himself as the emperor for a private visit to the south. Due to