The world's top swordsman Gai Nie (voiced by Liu Qin), along with his late friend's son Jing Tianming (voiced by Feng Junhua), wandered all the way, only to avoid the pursuit of the Qin king. After repelling the 300 cavalry sent by the King of Qin with one person's strength, Jing Tianming saw true chivalry and courage in Gai Nie. This matter has spread to the public
The world's top swordsman Gai Nie (voiced by Liu Qin), along with his late friend's son Jing Tianming (voiced by Feng Junhua), wandered all the way, only to avoid the pursuit of the Qin king. After repelling the 300 cavalry sent by the King of Qin with one person's strength, Jing Tianming saw true chivalry and courage in Gai Nie. This matter has spread to the public