Kimura Ichiki (played by Sakai Yasuto) and Kano Ryutaro (played by Oizumi Yoshihiro) are good friends who have been together since high school. As time goes by, their friendship has become even stronger. Nowadays, Kimura is a staff member of a first-class large company, working hard every day and working hard; Shino returns to his alma mater to teach and remains single to this day
Kimura Ichiki (played by Sakai Yasuto) and Kano Ryutaro (played by Oizumi Yoshihiro) are good friends who have been together since high school. As time goes by, their friendship has become even stronger. Nowadays, Kimura is a staff member of a first-class large company, working hard every day and working hard; Shino returns to his alma mater to teach and remains single to this day