The drama is adapted from the world's dominant novel "River God: Ghost Water Strange Tales" and tells the story of the unknown cause and effect of the explosion of the source of evil water, the Jinmen Incident, and the resurgence of unsolved cases. Guo Deyou, Ding Mao, Gu Ying, and Xiao Lanlan's Jinmen Heavenly Troupe once again gather to explore the truth behind the "Nine Bulls, Two Tigers, and One Chicken" series of major cases.
The drama is adapted from the world's dominant novel "River God: Ghost Water Strange Tales" and tells the story of the unknown cause and effect of the explosion of the source of evil water, the Jinmen Incident, and the resurgence of unsolved cases. Guo Deyou, Ding Mao, Gu Ying, and Xiao Lanlan's Jinmen Heavenly Troupe once again gather to explore the truth behind the "Nine Bulls, Two Tigers, and One Chicken" series of major cases.