Driver Wang Youcai (played by Pan Binlong), who is suffering from uremia, unexpectedly meets wealthy second-generation Li Zhiyuan (played by Xiao Shenyang) from a privileged family with congenital heart disease. The two unexpectedly match and sign a "life and death agreement". To fulfill Wang Youcai's last wish, Li Zhiyuan took Wang Youcai on a blind date with his wife, and Wang Youcai also encouraged Li Zhiyuan to go
Driver Wang Youcai (played by Pan Binlong), who is suffering from uremia, unexpectedly meets wealthy second-generation Li Zhiyuan (played by Xiao Shenyang) from a privileged family with congenital heart disease. The two unexpectedly match and sign a "life and death agreement". To fulfill Wang Youcai's last wish, Li Zhiyuan took Wang Youcai on a blind date with his wife, and Wang Youcai also encouraged Li Zhiyuan to go