Shiyongjing (voiced by Asanuma Jintaro) is a lively and kind high school student who holds the position of Minister of Swimming and is full of enthusiasm for life and learning. One day, Shizuki Kyo accidentally met a transfer student named Sanzaki Zikuno (voiced by Ayako Kawakami), but he didn't expect that this encounter changed Shizuki Kyo's life and also
Shiyongjing (voiced by Asanuma Jintaro) is a lively and kind high school student who holds the position of Minister of Swimming and is full of enthusiasm for life and learning. One day, Shizuki Kyo accidentally met a transfer student named Sanzaki Zikuno (voiced by Ayako Kawakami), but he didn't expect that this encounter changed Shizuki Kyo's life and also