The film tells the story of Ling Xuan'er starting her cohabitation life under the gentle guidance of her boyfriend Zhao Yuan. However, the sweet days did not last long. Ling Xuan'er, who has a glass heart, frequently conflicts with Zhao Yuan, a straight man who is just like reinforced concrete. After living together for less than a hundred days, they announced their breakup, and the relationship changed from a cohabiting couple to a roommate. In order to make both parties no longer affected
The film tells the story of Ling Xuan'er starting her cohabitation life under the gentle guidance of her boyfriend Zhao Yuan. However, the sweet days did not last long. Ling Xuan'er, who has a glass heart, frequently conflicts with Zhao Yuan, a straight man who is just like reinforced concrete. After living together for less than a hundred days, they announced their breakup, and the relationship changed from a cohabiting couple to a roommate. In order to make both parties no longer affected