Young architect Lu Tao (played by Li Chen) is persistent in relying on personal efforts to achieve his ideals. He has left his former wealthy second generation girlfriend and refuses to ask his wealthy father, who once abandoned him, to work together with his girlfriend Xia Lin (played by Dong Xuan). Lu Tao, Xia Lin, and Xiang Nan (played by Zheng Kai) and Xiao Yun (played by Li Yuan)
Young architect Lu Tao (played by Li Chen) is persistent in relying on personal efforts to achieve his ideals. He has left his former wealthy second generation girlfriend and refuses to ask his wealthy father, who once abandoned him, to work together with his girlfriend Xia Lin (played by Dong Xuan). Lu Tao, Xia Lin, and Xiang Nan (played by Zheng Kai) and Xiao Yun (played by Li Yuan)