During the Warring States period in Japan, Takeda Shingen (played by Kinosuke Nakamura) from Kaffei, Tokaido, used the "Fenglin Volcano" from "Sun Tzu's Art of War" as his military flag, fought in all directions, and established a glorious reputation. Middle aged ronin Kansuke Yamamoto (played by Toshiro Mifuna) uses a strategy to immerse himself in Takeda Shingen's tent. During Takeda's attack on his former ally Suwa,
During the Warring States period in Japan, Takeda Shingen (played by Kinosuke Nakamura) from Kaffei, Tokaido, used the "Fenglin Volcano" from "Sun Tzu's Art of War" as his military flag, fought in all directions, and established a glorious reputation. Middle aged ronin Kansuke Yamamoto (played by Toshiro Mifuna) uses a strategy to immerse himself in Takeda Shingen's tent. During Takeda's attack on his former ally Suwa,