The most advanced extraterrestrial civilization in the Milky Way attempted to establish diplomatic relations with Earth, but a series of misunderstandings unexpectedly occurred. The spaceship of the alien envoy crashed into the atmosphere and ultimately landed in a world park in a certain city in China. Geng Hao (played by Huang Bo), who makes a living by playing monkey tricks, and his friend Da Fei (played by Shen Teng), a wine dealer, take the injured alien
The most advanced extraterrestrial civilization in the Milky Way attempted to establish diplomatic relations with Earth, but a series of misunderstandings unexpectedly occurred. The spaceship of the alien envoy crashed into the atmosphere and ultimately landed in a world park in a certain city in China. Geng Hao (played by Huang Bo), who makes a living by playing monkey tricks, and his friend Da Fei (played by Shen Teng), a wine dealer, take the injured alien