This film tells the story of two young brothers, Bi Zui and Bi Jie, in Jinshan City who accidentally pick up a jade pendant and become involved in the struggle between the two major gangs in the city. By chance, they eliminate the gangs and ultimately maintain peace in the city, leading to a series of hilarious stories. The boss of Jinshan City, Luo Dafu, recently received a jade pendant. It is rumored that the jade
This film tells the story of two young brothers, Bi Zui and Bi Jie, in Jinshan City who accidentally pick up a jade pendant and become involved in the struggle between the two major gangs in the city. By chance, they eliminate the gangs and ultimately maintain peace in the city, leading to a series of hilarious stories. The boss of Jinshan City, Luo Dafu, recently received a jade pendant. It is rumored that the jade