This drama is NHK's 108th morning drama, based on the story of Futaro Makino, the father of Japanese botany. It was written by Yuki Nagata, directed by Ryuo Watanabe and Wenko Tsuda, and featured music by Hayataro Abe. Meibo Hamabi plays the female lead and protagonist of this drama, Mantaro Kano (Takashi Kanmu)
This drama is NHK's 108th morning drama, based on the story of Futaro Makino, the father of Japanese botany. It was written by Yuki Nagata, directed by Ryuo Watanabe and Wenko Tsuda, and featured music by Hayataro Abe. Meibo Hamabi plays the female lead and protagonist of this drama, Mantaro Kano (Takashi Kanmu)