This drama is adapted from the manga of the same name created by Akiko Higashimura. The female protagonist, Kazuko Kuroshita (played by Kyoko Fanggen), is a jellyfish loving otaku who comes to Tokyo to fulfill her dream of becoming an illustrator. In an old apartment called "Tianshuiguan", she met a group of people who, like her, had niche hobbies and were not good at socializing with others
This drama is adapted from the manga of the same name created by Akiko Higashimura. The female protagonist, Kazuko Kuroshita (played by Kyoko Fanggen), is a jellyfish loving otaku who comes to Tokyo to fulfill her dream of becoming an illustrator. In an old apartment called "Tianshuiguan", she met a group of people who, like her, had niche hobbies and were not good at socializing with others