Okazaki Asahi (played by Haruna Kawaguchi), a young woman with economic problems, accidentally stumbled into an exorcism company while applying for a job. The company is now composed of two people. Boss Fajie Tianmo (played by Tang Bengang) comes from a family of exorcists, and from his generation, he has decided to change the rude methods of his ancestors and instead use the method of negotiation to help
Okazaki Asahi (played by Haruna Kawaguchi), a young woman with economic problems, accidentally stumbled into an exorcism company while applying for a job. The company is now composed of two people. Boss Fajie Tianmo (played by Tang Bengang) comes from a family of exorcists, and from his generation, he has decided to change the rude methods of his ancestors and instead use the method of negotiation to help