The introverted and honest high school student Tendo Chun (voiced by Kenzhang Ono) grew up in the beautiful and comfortable Kyoto from a young age. One day, he was suddenly attacked by a demon and rushed into an ancient temple in a hurry, receiving the help of the monk Genyun (voiced by Shikiko Nakamura). Unexpectedly, it was brought to the distant era of peace by Yuan Yun. Originally, Ping An
The introverted and honest high school student Tendo Chun (voiced by Kenzhang Ono) grew up in the beautiful and comfortable Kyoto from a young age. One day, he was suddenly attacked by a demon and rushed into an ancient temple in a hurry, receiving the help of the monk Genyun (voiced by Shikiko Nakamura). Unexpectedly, it was brought to the distant era of peace by Yuan Yun. Originally, Ping An