The story begins with the breakup between Ma Liang and his girlfriend Xiao Meng. The artist's self proclaimed otaku, Ma Liang, once again broke Xiaomeng's heart due to work issues. Xiaomeng finally revealed that Ma Liang wanted to earn 20000 yuan within a month. Ma Liang participated in the design competition held by Ye's company to win a real estate marketing contract with a prize of 20000 yuan
The story begins with the breakup between Ma Liang and his girlfriend Xiao Meng. The artist's self proclaimed otaku, Ma Liang, once again broke Xiaomeng's heart due to work issues. Xiaomeng finally revealed that Ma Liang wanted to earn 20000 yuan within a month. Ma Liang participated in the design competition held by Ye's company to win a real estate marketing contract with a prize of 20000 yuan