This film is adapted from Sanmao's last work of the same name. During the Japanese puppet period, female writer Shen Shaohua (played by Lin Qingxia) serialized her autobiographical novel "Magnolia" in newspapers, and many of the plot points were empathetic. One day, she received a mysterious reader's letter. She is full of admiration for this man named Zhang Nengcai (played by Qin Han)
This film is adapted from Sanmao's last work of the same name. During the Japanese puppet period, female writer Shen Shaohua (played by Lin Qingxia) serialized her autobiographical novel "Magnolia" in newspapers, and many of the plot points were empathetic. One day, she received a mysterious reader's letter. She is full of admiration for this man named Zhang Nengcai (played by Qin Han)