This film tells the story of new recruits such as Jiang Xiaoyu (played by Yang Zhigang), Lu Yan (played by Zheng Kai), Zhang Chong (played by He Ziming), and Wu Yun (played by Liu Siyan) who are specially recruited into the Marine Corps. After several years of honing, they gradually establish the belief of "shedding the last drop of blood for the motherland's ocean" and transform into a new generation of excellent naval soldiers
This film tells the story of new recruits such as Jiang Xiaoyu (played by Yang Zhigang), Lu Yan (played by Zheng Kai), Zhang Chong (played by He Ziming), and Wu Yun (played by Liu Siyan) who are specially recruited into the Marine Corps. After several years of honing, they gradually establish the belief of "shedding the last drop of blood for the motherland's ocean" and transform into a new generation of excellent naval soldiers