This film tells the story of a Martian girl named Amy who arrives on Earth, but unfortunately, her spaceship crashes and lands on the beach next to the campus. Wu You, who is on the university campus, discovers the spaceship. Suddenly, Wu You's intrusion caused Amy and Wu You to exchange souls. After being exchanged for bodies, Wu You was misunderstood by the goddess Sun Zhiyuan as a pervert. Mr. Xiao from a technology company leads his subordinates
This film tells the story of a Martian girl named Amy who arrives on Earth, but unfortunately, her spaceship crashes and lands on the beach next to the campus. Wu You, who is on the university campus, discovers the spaceship. Suddenly, Wu You's intrusion caused Amy and Wu You to exchange souls. After being exchanged for bodies, Wu You was misunderstood by the goddess Sun Zhiyuan as a pervert. Mr. Xiao from a technology company leads his subordinates