The story takes place during the Tianqi period of the Ming Dynasty. Ruonan (played by Zhao Liying) admires Zhu Tianbao (played by Jin Qifan), but is betrothed by his father to Zhu Tianbao's brother Zhu Tianxiang (played by Zhu Zixiao). Zhu Tianbao knows Ruonan's feelings for him, but unfortunately, the falling flowers intentionally flow mercilessly. In order to make Ruonan give up on himself, Zhu Tianbao deliberately
The story takes place during the Tianqi period of the Ming Dynasty. Ruonan (played by Zhao Liying) admires Zhu Tianbao (played by Jin Qifan), but is betrothed by his father to Zhu Tianbao's brother Zhu Tianxiang (played by Zhu Zixiao). Zhu Tianbao knows Ruonan's feelings for him, but unfortunately, the falling flowers intentionally flow mercilessly. In order to make Ruonan give up on himself, Zhu Tianbao deliberately