The personality is lively and cheerful, sometimes appearing somewhat carefree. Shuiwuyueyao (voiced by Yukari Tamura), Shenwuyukui (voiced by Miko Neden), who is mature and steady with the demeanor of a young lady, and the genius girl Yeyue Walnut (voiced by Rihui Naigong) who transferred from Italy. The three of them are lively and lovely on weekdays at school
The personality is lively and cheerful, sometimes appearing somewhat carefree. Shuiwuyueyao (voiced by Yukari Tamura), Shenwuyukui (voiced by Miko Neden), who is mature and steady with the demeanor of a young lady, and the genius girl Yeyue Walnut (voiced by Rihui Naigong) who transferred from Italy. The three of them are lively and lovely on weekdays at school