Ailipiao, who lives in Okayama Prefecture, is a fanatical idol mansion dedicated to his life as a member of the small underground idol "Cham Jam", Maicai. What Huili Piao is wearing is a red sports shirt from her high school days. What Piao is waving is a salmon pink fluorescent stick. What Piaopiao pushed in the painting was just Dancai, the only one who was there
Ailipiao, who lives in Okayama Prefecture, is a fanatical idol mansion dedicated to his life as a member of the small underground idol "Cham Jam", Maicai. What Huili Piao is wearing is a red sports shirt from her high school days. What Piao is waving is a salmon pink fluorescent stick. What Piaopiao pushed in the painting was just Dancai, the only one who was there