Tang Chuanxue (played by Yasuke Fukuyama), who is preparing to become a physics professor at Imperial University, is a true physics genius with an unconventional mindset. On this day, female police officer Ayumi Uchizaki (played by Yuki Shibata) took over a bizarre case of human spontaneous combustion. Despite having no clue, she was eager to solve the case through her colleague Toshihiro Kusa's introduction
Tang Chuanxue (played by Yasuke Fukuyama), who is preparing to become a physics professor at Imperial University, is a true physics genius with an unconventional mindset. On this day, female police officer Ayumi Uchizaki (played by Yuki Shibata) took over a bizarre case of human spontaneous combustion. Despite having no clue, she was eager to solve the case through her colleague Toshihiro Kusa's introduction