One year after the famous Battle of Sekigahara ended, the rising witch Izunari (voiced by Rina Sato) was pursued by assassins. When she fled to the territory of Xinzhou, she received assistance from Iga ninja Takeshi (voiced by Ono Daisuke). After witnessing Cai Cang's powerful strength, Hai asked him to protect himself and go find Ueda Castle and Makita
One year after the famous Battle of Sekigahara ended, the rising witch Izunari (voiced by Rina Sato) was pursued by assassins. When she fled to the territory of Xinzhou, she received assistance from Iga ninja Takeshi (voiced by Ono Daisuke). After witnessing Cai Cang's powerful strength, Hai asked him to protect himself and go find Ueda Castle and Makita